Teachers Learning Code: TeacherCon 2018 – Saskatoon
Sat, 15 Sep 2018, 9:30 AM –Sun, 16 Sep 2018, 4:30 PM CST
Innovation Place
114 – 15 Innovation Blvd
Saskatoon, SK S7N 2X8
TeacherCon is a free multi-day experience for Canadian educators in the K-12 school system, as well as student teachers and teacher leaders who want to inspire kids to be builders – not just consumers – of technology through coding activities and challenges. TeacherCon will provide how-to guides, hands-on training, lesson-planning tools, mentor support and access to an educator community for sustainable support and collaboration.
Takeaways from TeacherCon will include Teacher Guides, access to an online lesson-planning platform, community support for afterward.
We’ve combined our experiences teaching thousands of youth across the country to code, our tips and tricks to get started, resources to familiarize yourself with code, plus lots of easy to follow and even easier to implement coding activities to empower and teach the future generation of technologists across Canada.
Let’s shape how technology education is introduced in schools across the country – together!
- Introduction to the “why’s” of Coding
- Exemplars of Coding Projects and Lesson Plans
- UnPlugged Coding Activities (no computer required)
- Coding and Debugging in Scratch
- HTML and CSS coding for web pages
- Tech Stations featuring other tools
- Processing language for beginners
- Little Robot Friends microprocessor robotics
- Teacher Guides and Lesson Plans
- Software and web-based tools
- Access to Teachers Learning Code Community Support for educators
- Cool Canada Learning Code Swag
- Little Robot Friend (your own mini-robot)